Take adequate precautionary measures at Casa Garriga


We steal up to the Casa Garriga at an unusual time of day to avoid certain type of revenge from clients who are understandably somewhat annoyed. In a profession which manages its fees with dubious efficiency, showing off the architect’s curriculum has become one of the profession’s chief incentives. If he or she doesn’t know how to get paid well, at least they have the consolation prize of being photographed a great deal and becoming more widely known. But when the client, poor thing, decides to hinder such a modest display of egocentricity so natural to the decadent aristocracy of our profession, poor things, some of us architects suffer from the consequences of rabid convulsions. Sometimes these convulsions are assuaged by deliberately delaying an all-important signature on official certificates, meaning the client will remember us for a very long time. However, this may lead to the danger one day they will catch us trying to show the building to a colleague or an architecture critic. In such cases people become very creative and resort to dissuasive techniques of an extremely varied nature. In the case of the Casa Garriga such revenge materialised in the form of a hosepipe issuing a surprisingly highly pressurised jet of water. It’s clear we did something not only badly, but very badly indeed – we did not take adequate precautionary measures. Such a blunder is completely unacceptable.